Thursday, 28 April 2011

About cooking shows

I got a couple of Rachel Ray cooking books for Christmas and decided I was going to select a few recipes I wanted to make over the weekend. One thing you need to know about me, I love cooking. Must be a mixture of loving good food and having a mother that cooks awesome stuff all the time. My mom is Brazilian. For those of you that have never been to Brazil, a piece of advice if you ever go: prepare to put on weight there. Brazilian food is amazing. If you think you had good pizza, you will change your mind once you try the pizzas in São Paulo. I cannot put into words! So, yes I do eat a lot of good things at home. And cooking is a lot of fun for me. Anyhow, the regular cooking shows you see on TV are usually a chef and a happy cooking outcome. Booooooring! Cause when it's you, a regular dude in the kitchen, you know that the outcome is not always perfect. Even my mom messes up (not all the time, but yes she does). So, when I discovered Anna and Kristina show on TV, I knew it was the best cooking show you can get. Cause it's REAL! Anna and Kristina are 2 girls that test recipe books and at the end of their show, they get a guest, usually a famous chef to eat their creation. What is great about them, is that they make mistakes all the time. Mistakes we ALL make! And they have a laugh too. So, for this reason I will give them the dZ stamp of approval. Best cooking show on TV!

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